Braces or Invisalign For Your Teen? Dr. Dhol Explains The Pros & Cons of Each Option

At Beyond Braces Surrey, we know every teen has a unique aesthetic. That’s why we want to help you figure out if traditional braces or Invisalign are better for your teen.

We’ll look at what makes each option unique, so you and your child can pick the option that fits their lifestyle best.

  1. A Straightforward comparison on Traditional Braces Vs. Invisalign
  2. Pros of Traditional Braces
  3. Cons of Traditional Braces
  4. Pros of Invisalign
  5. Cons of Invisalign
  6. An Easy Guide to Making an Informed Choice
  7. A Holistic Approach to Orthodontics

A Straightforward comparison on Traditional Braces Vs. Invisalign

Deciding between traditional braces for teens and Invisalign depends on what your teen needs for their teeth and what they prefer.

Traditional Braces

In South Surrey, braces have been used for years to straighten teeth. They work well for complex orthodontic conditions and last a long time because they’re strong.

Pros of Traditional Braces:

  • They’re great at fixing complex conditions like “buck” teeth and other bite issues.
  • Metal braces stick to your teeth all the time, so you don’t have to worry about remembering to wear them.
  • Metal braces generally cost less than clear aligners.

Cons of Traditional Braces:

  • They’re more noticeable than Invisalign. This might bother some teens who care about their looks.
  • You have to watch what you eat because some foods can break or damage the braces.
  • Metal braces are not removable, so you have to use them while you eat, brush, and floss.
  • They can be a bit uncomfortable and might scratch the inside of your mouth or make your lips sore. Getting used to them may take a bit of time.


Invisalign uses a set of clear, removable aligners that fit right over your teeth. Many teens like them because they are convenient, hard to see, and comfortable to wear.

Pros of Invisalign:

  • They’re almost invisible, so teens can straighten their teeth without anyone noticing much.
  • You can take them out to eat, brush, and floss, which makes these routines much easier and comfortable.
  • There are no restrictions for eating since they are removable.
  • They are usually more comfortable to wear than metal braces.
  • Depending on the complexity of the case and how consistently the aligners are worn, Invisalign treatment can sometimes be faster than traditional metal braces.

Cons of Invisalign:

  • Your child needs to be responsible; they have to wear the aligners for 20-22 hours every day for them to work.
  • Can easily get lost when your child removes them.
  • They might not be the best choice for fixing complex orthodontic conditions.
  • Wearing clear aligners might make you speak more slowly and slur some words.
  • They can stain easily if you wear them while eating.
  • They can cost more than traditional metal braces.

An Easy Guide to Making an Informed Choice

Whether your teen should get braces or Invisalign means thinking about what they do every day or how responsible they are. Here’s how to figure out the best choice:

  • Lifestyle Considerations: Does your teen play sports or musical instruments? Think about this because it could help you decide if Invisalign, which is easy to take out, or traditional braces, which are very strong, are better for them.
  • Commitment to Treatment: Invisalign Vancouver aligners have to be worn for about 22 hours a day to work well. Consider if your teen is ready to be that responsible with their treatment. Braces are not removable and may be a better option for children that tend to misplace things easily.
  • Dental Needs: Talk with Dr. Dhol about the specific issues with your teen’s teeth to figure out if Invisalign, braces, or a mix would be a better choice.
  • Maintenance and Care: Think about how good your teen is at taking care of their oral hygiene. Braces need careful cleaning around the brackets and wires, while Invisalign trays also need to be cleaned regularly, but are easier to clean.
  • Cost and Duration of Treatment: Talk to Dr. Dhol about how much each option costs and how long the treatment will take. Invisalign can be faster for simple fixes but might cost more, while braces usually cost less but might take longer for more complicated adjustments.

A Holistic Approach to Orthodontics

At Beyond Braces, we see orthodontics in a holistic way. We know how much a radiant smile can light up a room. But a healthy smile also impacts a child’s health and how confident they feel. That’s why our approach looks at everything from how they breathe to how their jaw fits together and the harmony of facial structures.

Our lead orthodontist Dr. Walinder S. Dhol with 20+ years of experience pours his heart into making treatment plans with Braces or Invisalign that fit the unique needs of every patient. At Beyond Braces, we work hard to make sure your child looks and feels great because every parent wants to see their child happy, healthy, and thriving.

To find out if orthodontics is right for your child, click here to book a complimentary consultation at Beyond Braces. Together, we can ensure your teen’s smile is both beautiful and healthy.

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